Ocean Nova
The Ocean Nova is a modern and comfortable vessel measuring 73m of length, 11m of breadth and 3.7m of draft. She was built in Denmark in 1992 to sail the ice-choked waters of Greenland, and her ice-strengthened hull is ideally suited for expedition travel in Antarctica. Her cruising speed can reach 12 knots in open waters. The Ocean Nova has capacity for 68 passengers accommodated in comfortable outside cabins, all with private facilities, including dedicated single, twin and triple cabins. In addition to a glass-enclosed observation lounge and presentation room, she also has a spacious dining room, a bar, a library, and an infirmary. The ship is equipped with 2 fully enclosed lifeboats, and has Zodiac boats that are well suited for landing and wildlife watching.
The BAe 146 was manufactured in the United Kingdom by British Aerospace (which later became part of BAE Systems). This high-wing aircraft with capacity for over 70 passengers, is equipped with 4 turbofans allowing a cruise speed of 750km/h. Thanks to its special STOL system, it has very short runway requuirements making it particularly suited for this kind of destination. It is operated by Aerovias DAP, which has more than 20 years of experience of flying in Patagonia and Antarctica.