Delfin II
Delfin II has a capacity of 28 guests in 14 outside suites.
Outdoor areas include the well designed, comfortable Top deck and bar. There is a small reference Library and the Bridge, where you are welcome to meet the Captain and Officers. The air conditioned dining room’s large windows provide panoramic views. Beautifully prepared meals are served in a single seating with unassigned tables. Often special dishes will include sustainable products of the rain forest and sauces made with exotic regional fruits. Suites are elegant, air conditioned on the Main and Upper decks and all offer exceptional vistas. Each spacious suite has a minimalist decor with a luxurious undertone. Enjoy complimentary organic sun block with insect repellent, body lotion, shampoo and conditioner. 10 person skiffs – with individual seat cushions and plenty of leg room. Fleet of safe, nimble kayaks. Rain ponchos are kept handy in the skiffs. Rubber boots are provided before an excursion if deemed necessary. Guests may swim directly from skiffs using the convenient swim ladder, weather and location permitting.