Donna Moore

HR Manager & BDM

Sydney Office

Tell Us About Yourself

With close to four decades immersed in the travel industry, Donna has held roles at the helm of renowned travel companies, both traditional and online. Her paramount enthusiasm lies in travel itself, whether it entails globe-trotting internationally or embracing the nomadic lifestyle of caravaning throughout Australia, which even included residing in Japan for more than six years!

Travel Quote That Inspires You

Make memories, not dreams.

What Is Your Favourite Travel Destination/ Experience & Why?

Expressing this is a challenge because every place I visit holds a special significance, with countless remarkable experiences to recount – from standing atop Big Red in the Simpson Desert to gazing from the peaks of Banff or reaching the summit of Mount Fuji. While some destinations hold a cherished place in my heart, my true passion lies in immersing myself in the local culture, connecting with people, and yes, indulging in a bit of shopping wherever I roam. Yet, amid the myriad of choices awaiting exploration, I find myself drawn back time and again to the enchanting landscapes of Canada and the vibrant tapestry of Asia.