San Fransisco to New York with Crystal Cruises

Experience the beauty of Cabo, the wilds of Costa Rica and the magic of the Panama Canal en route to blissful Caribbean isles and stylish enclaves of the East Coast as you sail from San Francisco to New York with Crystal on 25Aug11.p>

Istanbul to Paris with ANZAC Dawn Service

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pay tribute to our proud heritage, the courage of our forefathers and the ANZAC spirit itself at this emotive and poignant service. Join the Dawn Service at ANZAC Cove before embarking on a luxury cruise from Rousse in Bulgaria to Trier in Germany. Travel on board the newly built ms Amalyra along the Danube, Main and Rhine rivers, completing your holiday with three indulgent nights in romantic Paris.

2008 – Paris to Istanbul, ms Amalegro

Discover Paris before embarking on a 21-day cruise from Luxembourg. Visit Munich, Nuremberg, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade and Bucharest before finishing your 29-day tour in remarkable Istanbul.