Delta Air Lines has launched the Fly Delta app for iPad. The launch of the app is latest in a phased rollout of a significantly improved online and digital customer experience which also included the 2012 launches of the new Delta website in November and revamped self-service kiosks in September.
The Fly Delta app for iPad features a “glass bottom jet”, through which customers will have the ability to view the ground below in a unique way that includes maps, social networks and internet content while connected to the internet on any of Delta’s more than 800 Wi-Fi-equipped aircraft.
The app also includes travel planning tools to book a trip, destination guides, flight check-in, an interactive trip map and the What’s Next feature to help guide customers to the next point in their journey.
The Fly Delta app has been downloaded more than 5.5 million times and includes popular tools including checking in for flights, accessing an eBoarding pass, changing seat assignments, tracking the upgrade list, tracking and paying for bags, receiving alerts for updated travel information, viewing airport and aircraft details and setting a parking reminder.