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* Exceptional Savings We choose from hundreds of great offers from different cruiselines, wholesalers and agents. We only present the best deals which can save you sometimes over 80% compared to brochure prices! * Quality Booking Agents We choose quality retail cruise agents to help you complete the booking process. They are professional, knowledgeable and offer great services! * Excellent Service Our staff are committed to providing you with seamless user experience and booking process. We are here to help you Mon – Fri 9-5pm. Email us any time Support@CruiseMegaDeals.com.au. We will respond within 24hrs during business days.
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The Cruise Mega Deals Australia website www.CruiseMegaDeals.com.au is owned and operated by Cyber Investment Holdings Pty Ltd. Our office is registered at Level 24 | Three International Towers, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000.
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