Qantas Announces Chauffeur Drive and Dubai Connect

Qantas has enabled the booking functionality for Chauffeur Drive and Dubai Connect, two new services that have been introduced as a result of the Qantas and Emirates partnership.

Chauffeur Drive

Chauffeur Drive is a complimentary chauffeur service available to Qantas customers travelling in First and Business on selected Qantas international flights. Chauffeur Drive will be available from 31 March 2013 for passengers travelling between Australia and London and Dubai and it is this first phase of Chauffeur Drive for which bookings can now be made. From 1 July 2013, Chauffeur Drive will be available for those travelling between Australia and Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, Santiago and Johannesburg.

Bookings for Chauffeur Drive for these flights will be made available soon.

The service will also be available for Qantas passengers (with 081) tickets travelling on Qantas flights operated by Emirates to/from destinations where Emirates also offers Chauffeur Drive.

Dubai Connect

Dubai Connect is a special courtesy service which offers accommodation, meals, ground transportation and visa costs to eligible customers travelling on a combined Qantas and Emirates itinerary with an extended connection time in Dubai.


Chauffeur Drive and Dubai Connect, where available to eligible customers, can both be booked via ‘Manage Your Booking’ on GDS booking capability for Chauffeur Drive will be introduced later this year and your Qantas account manager will keep you informed of these developments.