The Black Hills

The Black Hills of South Dakota are home to two iconic landmarks that showcase the artistic and cultural heritage of the United States: Crazy Horse Memorial and Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Crazy Horse Memorial, an ongoing colossal sculpture in progress, pays homage to the Lakota Sioux warrior Crazy Horse. The monument aims to depict Crazy Horse mounted on his horse, pointing to his ancestral lands. It serves as a tribute to the Native American culture and the spirit of the indigenous people. Visitors can explore the on-site museum to learn about the history and significance of the sculpture, witness the ongoing work, and gain insight into Native American traditions and beliefs.

Just a short distance from Crazy Horse Memorial, Mount Rushmore stands as a magnificent symbol of American history and democracy. This iconic monument features the carved faces of four prominent U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. The colossal sculptures are a testament to the vision and skill of sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his team. Mount Rushmore attracts millions of visitors each year, who come to marvel at the intricate carvings and learn about the legacy of these influential leaders. The site also offers a visitor center, exhibits, and scenic hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the beauty of the surrounding Black Hills. The combination of Crazy Horse Memorial and Mount Rushmore creates a powerful and captivating experience, celebrating the diversity and rich history of the United States.